Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Miracle :- " shridi baba statue found underground in New Zealand "

Shirdi Sai Baba Statue Found Underground In Wellington, New Zealand
A find of a Shirdi Sai Baba by John Peters on his property at 195 Wise street Wainuiomata has delighted a Wellington family. The two-foot statue was found on April 15th 2010.
“Baba proved again that he is omni present,” Bhaskar Reddy (secretary of Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan of New Zealand) said.
Water has erupted from the spot where the statue was found and has now become a small pond. Srinivas Gajula wrote in an email to Sansthan members.
“When the digger was digging he found a solid object and he stopped digging and he lifted the statue from 6- 7 feet under the ground. The developer stooped the digging and cleaned the statue and he was not sure what it was. The developer is an Indian Christian. He called a Hindu priest to identify the deity,” Gajula said.
“We are still trying to get hold off the developer to find some more details . . . apparently the developer wants to leave that particular spot and redevelop the other area. Water came from the place where the digger found the statue and it became a small pond now. Developer put the statue on a small wooden pallet and it is floating in the water now.”
Reddy said: The Sansthan organised two aarthis on 4th July 09 at Wellington and presented 30 bhajan books. Ever since, the families of our members in Welligton – Srinivas Gajula and Dharmesh Patel were conducting bhajans and Shej aarthi every Saturday. It’s amazing that a developer found a statue of Shirdi Saibaba ( about 2 ft ) while developing his 10 acres land. Blessed are Srinivas, Dharmesh, people of Wellington and people of New Zealand.
“This is a good omen and building a temple for our beloved Guru in Auckland is not too far.”

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