Wednesday, 17 August 2011

End of World 2012 Fails

There are a number of December 21 2012 predictions about the end of the world, earth as we know it.  Some say that on an ancient Mayan calendar 2012 points to the end of the world: they pick December 21 2012 as the exact day because that's when the calender ends.  Others speak of a Nostradamus 2012 doomsday prediction.  

Some 2012 end of the world predictions are connected to each other, some are not.  It has got to the point where the thought of a 2012 end of the world doomsday is freaking some people out.  Should you be freaked?  We don't think so.  For starters, given past doomsday predictions and prophecies about the end of the world, earth should have ended by now!  Since the earth is still here, it would be fair to say then that, to date, all doomsday prophecies and predictions about the end of the world (before 2012) have failed!   On May 21 2011 the Harold Camping Prediction about the rapture and final judgement failed

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